Thinking on the tennis court is good. Too much of the wrong kind of thinking on the tennis court is bad.

Ever wonder why some athletes outshine their peers on the court? They all have superior skills, fitness, etc. What sets the greats apart? The ability to hit consistent shots over and over. What makes them better at that than others on a given day or over long periods of time? Their mental focus. We’ve all heard the phrases, “she’s in the zone“, “he’s unconscious“, “she’s playing lights out“..If you analyze each of these statements, you’ll see the psychology behind them. You play your best when your conscious mind is quiet, not reminding you of fears, possible negative outcomes, disappointments, etc. When your body is controlled by your subconscious mind, the one that reacts instinctively, and flows effortlessly with practiced muscle memories, your shots just go where you want them to. Sounds exciting doesn’t it!
Some of our weekly tips will include suggestions for gaining and keeping mental focus on the court, but you can also find most of what we’ve learned in the two books below.

Winning Ugly by Brad Gilbert and Steve Jamison